Am I making my life too complicated?
Tue, 02 Mar 2021 00:04:15 +0000
So - I moved into a bus.
My parents aren’t happy about it.
Well, my parents are concerned: concerned I’ll be cold, concerned about where I will poop and shower, concerned the fridge is not big enough.
I get it: this is not what they would do.
One thing I’ve heard my parents say multiple times since I moved to New Zealand is: Why are you trying to make your life more complicated than it should be?
They are probably right: living in a bus is not as comfortable as living in a regular house.
I had to join the gym so I can shower.
This morning I had to carry my dirty laundry on my bike to a friend’s house so I could wash my clothes.
I’ve been pooping at work heaps.
A bus is small, smaller than a tiny house. The bed is the dining room, the shower is the toilet and the kitchen is the bathroom.
But I’ve been waking up at the beach every day, had coffee watching the sun rise, I can reach everything I need from the comfort of my bed, and I don’t have to pay rent.
Yes, I do live in 9 square meters, but I’ve got much more than that.
I can wake up wherever I want. The outside is my living space, too. I can park in the bush. The ocean is my backyard.
I feel like my generation has a very different standard of living than my parents’ generation.
But because I have lower standards of living, it doesn’t mean I have a lower quality of life.
Living in a 5-bedroom mansion would give me more anxiety than living in a tiny house on wheels would. Having a mortgage, stressing about paying rent and bills, having all those floors to sweep and mop - thanks but no thanks.
Right now, at this point in my life, living in a bus is the thing that makes the most sense for me. It’s all I want. It’s what gives me the most joy and excitement.
Even if that means giving up some of the standard conveniences that come with regular houses.
After all, comfort isn’t necessarily comfortable.
I am ok with being uncomfortable sometimes. I’m ok with not knowing where I will poop next. I actually really enjoy moving around a bit slower, finding my space around someone else’s space (it’s two of us in the bus), discovering different rhythms and routines that might require more adjusting but ultimately will make traditional practices feel like a luxury.
What I give up in comfort, I gain in freedom. I gain in space, I gain in time.
I don’t have to live in a bus - I’m choosing to live in a bus. And right now, this is the best decision I’ve ever made.