Life updates & hairy legs
Tue, 09 May 2017 22:03:31 +0000
Good morning lovelies, I just thought I’d post a little update on what’s going on with my life because things happened and I need a recap - mainly for myself really, to be able to look back and remember that life is good even when things don’t go according to plans. So, last week I had to leave my job. Again. (I must say I’m getting pretty good at it.) Long story short, this time the problem was that the whole working situation was getting a bit shady and I wanted to get myself out of it before getting into trouble. I believe I made the right decision. But obviously this means I’m jobless again, and back into the game of job hunting. I thought I’d be stressed and frustrated, however –surprisingly- I’m not. I guess I’m quite enjoying the time off? I don’t know what it is, what I know is that the moment I walked away on my last day, a plan formed in my head.
I’m going to take this with philosophy. I’m not going to waste my time applying for jobs that I don’t really want. And I’m going to be honest and real with myself. What is it that I’m really passionate about? Books, writing, veganism, Zero Waste, dogs. Great. Then I’m only going to apply for jobs within those areas. And if there are no jobs within those areas, I’m going to make one.
That’s right.
New Zealand is the best place to be if you want to start your own business. I’m not talking about setting up a whole company (although you totally can), I’m thinking more about maybe starting an online business, or making my writing more professional, or selling my art. And look, I’m not afraid of saying it! I’ve always been mega paranoid about disclosing my passions and being honest about what I believe I’m good at, but let me tell ya, those days are GONE. I love how I managed to overcome my fears and finally be able to express how I actually feel about myself.
I feel I’ve grown a lot in the past months, and I’m really starting to like the person I’ve become. I might be broke and jobless, but I know what I want from life. And I’m less afraid of talking about it. I don’t feel ashamed of saying I want to be a dog sitter because I worry that people might think it’s not a “real job”. Who cares? In fact, I’ve also been giving remarkably fewer fucks. I found this video yesterday and I realised, this is exactly what I’ve been doing for months, without knowing there’s a theory behind it! Needless to say, Sarah Knight is my new idol.
I guess all I'm trying to say is that I'm not going to let my lack of employment bring me down. I have a bunch of ideas, and I feel confident and productive. I know I am a worthy, overall nice individual and something good is going to happen to me. I am lucky and grateful to be where I am. Life is good, no matter what.
On a different note: I have hairy legs and the world hasn’t collapsed yet. But this post is getting too long already, so I’m going to update on my not-shaving situation another time. For now just know that it feels amazing.