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The MBAWYAO Series - Launch

Thu, 05 Oct 2017 21:55:51 +0000

The MBAWYAO Series - Launch

Hello beautiful people who take the time to read this blog, today I want to talk to you about: MANIFESTING. This is something I keep on hearing about, and at first I was very sceptical because it always seemed to be brought up in relation to crystals and energy and vibrations. So I did some research and it turned out I was right all along: manifesting is horseshit.If you google “manifesting”, the first result that comes up is this guy’s blog that describes manifesting as “the ability to convert the energy of our thoughts into a newly materialized form.” No offense, Wayne, but that sounds like a whole lot of crap to me. In fact, I lost interest in my research pretty quickly, and stopped as soon as I thought I grasped the general idea and gathered enough knowledge to write a blog post about it. Basically, from my vague understanding, manifesting means acting as if what you want in life is already happening, until it actually happens. It means funnelling your “energy” and “intentions” into your “desires”, and if your “vibes” are positive enough the universe will give you what you want. (And if it doesn’t, you can always see it as the universe’s “mysterious ways” of letting you know that maybe you didn’t really want that particular thing in the first place.)

Now. I’m a strong believer in working hard as fuck in order to get what you want. I can sit on my ass all day manifesting that I am an acclaimed world-famous travel blogger and that I have long flowy hair and I live in a van in Colorado surrounded by Mexican blankets, but that ain’t gonna happen unless I actually write, wait, move and, well, buy Mexican blankets. Is that manifesting? Because to me, that is called acting. I understand that, say, if I want to be a writer, then I write and write and write and send and send and send my stuff to magazines and publishers and then one day maybe I get discovered and then maybe I do become a famous writer. But that’s not the universe deciding to help me out, this is me acting towards my aspirations in life. Is manifesting just a new hippie term for working your ass off? In my opinion, if you’re using manifesting as an excuse to dawdle around until the universe throws money and success in your face, you’re a lazy bum; if you act as if your life were exactly how you want it to be, you’re working towards it.

Of course the whole energy thing is complete bogus. THERE IS NO FUCKING ENERGY and the universe couldn’t care less about your stupid ass. (In fact, the universe doesn’t care – period. It’s not a sentient being.) However, I will give you this, Manifestors¹: doing all this research made me want to write down all the things I want in life. AND it made me want to start a new blog segment called the Manifest Series, except of course I don’t really want to use the term Manifest so I’m going to call it the MBAWYAO (Manifest But Also Work Your Ass Off) Series instead. In this segment, which I’m aiming to update once every couple of weeks, I’ll try to explore different aspects of my life, go deep and develop them and find out exactly how I want them to turn out. Just yesterday I actually grabbed the biggest piece of paper I could find and I wrote down what I want my ideal job to be. Seeing it all there on paper made it so much clearer and real, and helped me realise what I need to work towards (see? Work towards. Not manifest).

I’m going to start off with an easy one: What am I passionate about?

  1. Travelling
  2. Writing
  3. Reading
  4. Reviewing books
  5. Teaching languages
  6. Zero Waste/sustainability
  7. Veganism
  8. Basketball
  9. Self love/positive mental attitude
  10. Yoga pants

This was easy because I didn’t really have to think too much about what to write down. I already knew what my interests are. The exercise would be, how am I going to implement them? What am I going to do with them? I’ll probably create a vision board or just print this list out and stick it in a place where I see it often, as a reminder that I should focus my attention on these things, because they are what truly makes me happy.

I’m going to confine manifesting to this: a pretext to and find out what I truly want in life. No crystals, no energy, no vibes. Just another expedient to torture my subconscious and overanalyse my poor synapses.

Hope you’re with me and till next time, fellow rational beings.

¹ I wasn't sure about the spelling of this so I looked it up and of course somebody else had already come across the same issue. This website made me cringe so bad I almost deleted my blog post all together.
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